Saturday, April 13, 2024

Greetings Cherished Neighbor

Welcome to My Thoughtful Place Ministry. 

A little disclaimer to remind us of the purpose behind our ministry.

We will review ways to rejuvenate our commitment, check our priorities, and rethink our normal. We all have areas in our lives that need more work. Even though we may have asked Jesus into our lives, every day we discover there is something more we need to change in the way we think and do things. 

Isaiah 55:8 Easy English Bible says..."Remember! My thoughts are not the same as your thoughts. The way you do things is not the same as the way that I do things."

On our life's journey, He expects us to encounter detours and stray from the path from time to time. God shows grace, not wrath. His way out of the troubles we get ourselves into is different than what we expect. 

He has given us all we need about His ways and His thoughts in the Bible. His Word will do exactly what He intends it to do. If we make His thoughts our thoughts and if we make His path our path, He will do His part. 

We must think this through carefully and honestly. Asking ourselves: "Do we have a regular, daily time with the Lord? Are we seeking Him and His ways? Are we interacting with Him in prayer about what He has taught us?"

Be mindful, there's a multitude of study guides, explanations, and websites filling up the internet with just about everyone's take on the Bible, what a personal relationship with the Lord "should look like",  and what a prayer time "should be". We can easily get intimidated by the magnitude of choices. 

They can be helpful; they are often based on opinion. So be careful! The only take on what we should be seeking, especially amid the worldly options, is God's Word. Let's look at what Ecclesiastes 12:12 in the Amplified Bible version has to say:

"But beyond this my son, [about going further than the words given by one Shepherd], be warned: the writing of many books is endless [so do not believe everything you read], an excessive study and devotion to books is wearying to the body."

It's reassuring there's a "how to book" (The Bible) as a resource to help us work out (resolve) life's deterrents. 

Let's give God credit for what He has already accomplished in our world today! He provides the instruction and guidance needed in His Word. It is a great resource to explore and discover. We can apply His words to our daily tasks and learn how to interact with people in general. 

Please be careful with any information you discover. As always, remember, the Word of God is the ultimate authority in all aspects of our lives

My Cherished Neighbor, don't just take my word (or anyone's). Be sure to take the time you need to read the Bible. Do your homework! Explore and discover His Word for yourself. Ask Him to reveal His plan and purpose for you. 

No matter where you are on your walk with the Lord (a beginner, a backslider, a lifetime achiever, or sitting on the fence about all this Jesus stuff), we pray this blog will provide encouragement for deepening our relationship with the Lord and enhancing the roles we maintain within our family circle.

Thoughtful Pause: In our postings, family circle refers to all people, our family, our friends, and even our co-workers. These are people God has placed within our lives on a daily basis.

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