Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I ask in Jesus’ name

I am so grateful to have my Lord Jesus in my life.

We have been battling bees in our home since we moved here over a year ago. We closed up several holes to prevent them from getting into our home. Yet, they find another spot. They have been coming to this spot for so long and no one had tried to really remove them once and for all. They are living within our structure of the stone walls of our home. UGH!

The summer has been mild so far and we have not seen much of the bees. I thought perhaps they have decided this was not such a great spot after all and had moved elsewhere. I was so wrong. Yesterday was hot and humid. I discovered a couple of bees on my screened porch. Then I found some more. Then I discovered some in my kitchen. Then if things couldn’t get worse, about 4 o’clock in the afternoon there was a HUGE [gigantic might be better] swarm of them outside near my kitchen windows. The very first area where we had tried to close an opening and get rid of them. I was so terrified…so…so…so…MANY! They were all nested up against the wall.

I did the only thing I knew would help…I prayed. I cried too!

Jesus heard my cry for help. As only He does.

~Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God’s peace, which is so great cannot understand it, will keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.~

When I finished praying, I sleeplessly went back into my kitchen to see if they were still swarming outside. They were GONE! Amen and PRAISE be to Jesus.

By the time my husband arrived home from work, there was no real sign of what had happened. I explained to him what I saw. He could tell I had been upset. I told him I prayed. And they were gone.

So this morning as the sun came up on that side of the house, I was nervous about seeing them again. I have only seen a few stragglers. Nothing at all like yesterday. Jesus’ anointing power has taken them away.

~I look up to the hills, but where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2~

I am ever grateful that Jesus is patient with my ignorance. I know so little and understand even less. I owe all to Jesus. There is nothing He cannot do. Even the smallest of small things I have come to give to Him. There is more yet to understand about Him and His wonderful ways.

Thank you my Lord Jesus for all you do.

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