Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Thursday

Oh my word, it has been a while since I last touched this blog. My husband and I have been enjoying our home and land in the last few days.

Steadily ever so steadily, we press forward to the next tree that needs to be cut down or the next overgrown plot that needs to be cleared. My oh my, living out here in God’s countryside is a blessing.

Today God has filled the sky with white puffy clouds joyously rolling across the bright blue sky. His trees are dancing and dipping within His wind. You can sense autumn sneaking into the air. The sun lands differently on our lawn.

The four little kittens are 3 months old and growing so quickly. Their mother sternly teaches them that they are not nursing anymore! They roll and pounce over and on each other. It has been a fascinating process to watch them grow from birth. She has taken them to different areas within our land and out buildings. They like to sit right at our front step and wait for a treat of milk.

We are beginning a compost pile. We will prepare our garden for next year soon. I recently read about lasagna gardening in the Illinois Farm Bureau quarterly magazine. I am curious and excited about the process and eager to watch it unfold. I learned so much from little garden this year. God gave me such a nice spot and there is so ooooohhhh so much more to learn.

My husband is such a welcome presence around our home and land. I always feel more comfortable working outdoors when he is near.

Well, I must move on to our next overgrown plot that needs clearing.

Have a great weekend!!!

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